Elevate Your Essays with AI and Expert Human Guidance

Transform your college admissions essays into captivating narratives with Ink To Ivy, an intelligent writing companion that uses AI and human experts to analyze, tailor feedback, and guide you to present your best self.

Disclaimer: This AI service endeavors to assess essays in alignment with the specified universities and prompts. However, an evaluation does not constitute a promise or assurance of admission to the respective university. The assessments provided are subjective interpretations of relevance, by our algorithmic models.

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Our platform elevates your college essay experience through advanced AI features and responsible practices. We provide personalized feedback and guidance to help you craft compelling, authentic narratives that meet each application's unique requirements. With real-time iterative improvement, you can refine your drafts to perfection. We prioritize responsible AI by only assisting in improving your writing, never writing essays for you.

Benefits of Using Ink to Ivy

Better Targeting

Better Targeting

By crafting better essays tailored to each college's specific requirements, applicants can significantly improve their chances of acceptance into their desired institutions. AI-guided tools provide invaluable assistance in refining essays to effectively showcase the applicant's strengths, experiences, and aspirations in alignment with the admissions criteria for each specific college.

Enhanced Self-Representation

Enhanced Self-Representation

Better essays enable applicants to present a more authentic and compelling portrayal of themselves to admissions officers. AI acts as a knowledgeable guide, offering personalized feedback and suggestions to help applicants articulate their unique qualities and accomplishments with clarity and impact, fostering a stronger connection with readers.


Improved Storytelling Skills

Writing compelling narratives is essential for engaging admissions officers and conveying the applicant's journey, achievements, and ambitions effectively. AI-powered tools assist applicants in honing their storytelling abilities by providing insights, prompts, and feedback that enhance coherence, emotional resonance, and narrative structure.


Confidence and Empowerment

Access to AI-driven writing tools empowers applicants to approach the essay writing process with confidence, knowing that they have the support and guidance needed to produce high-quality essays. As applicants receive constructive feedback and see tangible improvements in their essays, they gain confidence in their abilities to effectively communicate their ideas and experiences, ultimately leading to a more positive and fulfilling application experience.


Our platform elevates your college essay experience through advanced AI features and responsible practices. We provide personalized feedback and guidance to help you craft compelling, authentic narratives that meet each application's unique requirements. With real-time iterative improvement, you can refine your drafts to perfection. We prioritize responsible AI by only assisting in improving your writing, never writing essays for you.

College Aware Feedback

Utilize advanced AI to receive personalized feedback and tailored suggestions for your college essays.

Comprehensive Essay EvaluationUtilizes AI algorithms to thoroughly analyze essay content, ensuring alignment with college vision statement and the desired qualities of their students.

Personalized FeedbackProvides individualized feedback based on the essay's strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, leveraging insights derived from extensive database of essays.

Dynamic Adaptation Continuously learns from user interactions and adapts feedback based on evolving writing patterns and preferences.

Prompt-Specific Guidance

Tailored prompts and suggestions aligned with the requirements of each college or university application.

Customized SuggestionsOffers tailored suggestions for prompts specific to each college or university application, guiding applicants to address key themes and requirements effectively.

Prompt Analysis Breaks down the prompt requirements and assists users in understanding the underlying expectations, ensuring essays are strategically crafted to resonate with admissions committees.

Alignment VerificationVerifies the alignment of essay content with the prompt, helping applicants stay focused and on track throughout the writing process.

Expert Human Coaching

Individualized written feedback and live consultation with highly qualified experts.

Expert ReviewsEssays are reviewed by a highly qualified expert who provides individualized written feedback based on their experience.

Expert ConsultationDon’t want written feedback? Choose to talk live to one of our highly qualified experts via video to have a two-way conversation about strategies, areas of improvement, and other key topics.

Additional ExtrasOne Expert Review credit and One Expert Consultation credit are included in every College Admission Essay package. Additional credits may be purchased as needed.

Enhanced Storytelling

Craft compelling narratives that effectively convey your unique experiences, strengths, and aspirations.

Narrative Development Assists users in crafting compelling narratives that vividly illustrate their unique experiences, values, and aspirations, fostering a memorable and impactful essay.

Character and Voice AmplificationHelps applicants showcase their authentic voice and personality, giving feedback to amplify the emotional resonance of their stories to captivate readers.

Theme ReinforcementProvides guidance on integrating overarching themes that reinforce the applicant's suitability for the target university, enhancing the coherence and persuasiveness of the essay.

Iterative Improvement

Refine your essay drafts in real-time with continuous feedback to enhance content, structure, and language.

Real-Time Feedback Offers immediate feedback on essay drafts, enabling users to iteratively refine their content, structure, and language for optimal impact.

Revision TrackingFacilitates seamless tracking of revisions and edits across multiple iterations, empowering users to monitor their progress and evaluate the effectiveness of refinements.

Continuous Refinement LoopSupports a cyclical process of drafting, receiving feedback, and revising, facilitating continuous improvement and ensuring the final essay is polished to perfection.

Responsible AI Practices

Uphold ethical standards with responsible AI practices, including user-controlled writing assistance and data privacy.

Ethical Assistance Ensures that the AI assistance provided is supportive and enhances the user's writing abilities without infringing upon academic integrity or autonomy.

Transparency and Accountability Maintains transparency about the role of AI in the writing process, empowering users to make informed decisions and take ownership of their work.

Data Protection Prioritizes user privacy and data security, implementing robust measures to safeguard personal information and ensuring that user data is never sold, shared for advertising purposes, or utilized by third parties for training purposes.

Algorithmic Fairness Mitigates biases in AI algorithms to promote fairness and equity, striving to provide unbiased feedback and guidance to all users regardless of background or demographics.